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Arda il mio core
John Dowland, Claudio Monteverdi, Johann Kapsberger

Pedro Pérez

Arda il mio core

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Vanitas
UPC: 8436556731730
Catnr: VA 10
Release date: 03 November 2017
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Catalogue number
VA 10
Release date
03 November 2017

About the album

Arda il mio core
Let my heart burn! If we were asked about passion, about those loves which have come and gone along our life, different images of teen or platonic loves would come to our minds, of those which make you crack a half smile and a revealing flirting look... Who hasn’t ever fallen in love? There is no doubt that we would also remember how much you suffer in a sea of uncertainty, of expectancy, for feeling rejected. Yes: the heart really rules. Love, in its essence and operation has not changed a lot throughout the years, and that’s why we would identify ourselves with every work in this album. A treatise of love, wait, patience, pain, uncertainty, hopes ....brought together around composers coming from three European countries: England, Italy and Spain.

In the early 17th century, in order to express complex emotions such as love, musicians and poets inspired by the classic historic past, searched for semanticity about which Zarlino had already talked on his Institutioni harmoniche (1558). Later, Vincenzo Galilei set up in 1581 the basis on which ‘the new music’ would be built, relating words and sounds to the emotional world of the listener. And from that very moment, the Theory of the Affections stopped being just a theory and turned into a language that gets the spectator involved in the effects. These musicians and poets who provided their words at the service of music, developed a real intellectual and emotional game. They managed to delve into the intricacies of love, fighting against the annoyance and despair of rejection. Who better than the continuous dialogue between a musician and a poet to express it?
Arda il mio core
Lasst mein Herz brennen! Wenn wir nach Leidenschaft gefragt würden, nach den Lieben, die uns im Leben begegnet sind, kämen uns verschiedene Bilder von Jugendlliebe oder platonischer Liebe in den Sinn von denen, die uns ein halbes Lächeln und einen aufschlussreichen Flirt entlocken... Wer hat sich noch nie verliebt? Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass wir uns auch an ein Meer der Ungewissheit erinnern, an leidende Erwartung, weil wir uns abgelehnt fühlen. Ja, das Herz bestimmt. Das Wesen der Liebe und ihre Funktionsweise haben sich im Laufe der Jahre nicht viel verändert und deshalb können wir uns mit jedem Werk dieses Albums identifizieren. Ein Traktat über Liebe, Warten, Geduld, Schmerz, Ungewissheit, Hoffnungen...... mit Komponisten aus drei europäischen Ländern: England, Italien und Spanien.


Pedro Pérez (countertenor)

Countertenor Pedro Perez studied flute and singing at Music Conservatory 'Oscar Espla', where graduated with Honor Prize in Singing. He subsequently completed his training with specialists like Gerd Türk and Carlos Mena. He has sung with early music groups like Al Ayre Español, La Grande Chapelle, Il Concerto Accademico or Ensemble La Danserye & Capella Prolationum. His repertoire not only focuses on the Baroque period: in 2002 he premiered Juan Miguel Murani’s St. John Passion, and in 2010 the chamber opera Veiled Landscapes by Javier Perez Garrido. Pedro Pérez combines his artistic activity with his other great passion: pedagogy. He is Singing professor at the Performing Arts College (ESAD) in Murcia (Spain) and at the Master Degree of Music Therapy...
Countertenor Pedro Perez studied flute and singing at Music Conservatory "Oscar Espla", where graduated with Honor Prize in Singing. He subsequently completed his training with specialists like Gerd Türk and Carlos Mena. He has sung with early music groups like Al Ayre Español, La Grande Chapelle, Il Concerto Accademico or Ensemble La Danserye & Capella Prolationum. His repertoire not only focuses on the Baroque period: in 2002 he premiered Juan Miguel Murani’s St. John Passion, and in 2010 the chamber opera Veiled Landscapes by Javier Perez Garrido. Pedro Pérez combines his artistic activity with his other great passion: pedagogy. He is Singing professor at the Performing Arts College (ESAD) in Murcia (Spain) and at the Master Degree of Music Therapy at the University of Extremadura (Spain). His recording of Telemann Odes will be included in the upcoming album Fantasien der Musikmeister by ensemble La Galería del Claroscuro. His first solo recording with VANITAS Label, Arda il mio core, is now available.


Andrés Alberto Gómez (harpsichord)

He finished his harpsichord studies at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Holland) as a student of Jacques Ogg and at the Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña, E.S.M.U.C. as a student of Béatrice Martin, obtaining the highest distinction and congratulations from the jury. He has made recordings for the Dutch Radio, the Slovenian Radio-television, WDR 3, Radio Catalonia, the Polish Radio-television and the labels ARSIS, PASSACAILLE, DYNAMIC, TAÑIDOS and VANITAS. He is founder and director of the ensemble La Reverencia. His performances as soloist and continuist cover all of Europe. He has performed with several renowned ensembles such as Les Arts Florissants, Tasto Solo or La Fura dels Baus, being directed by musicians such as William Christie, Paul Dombrecht, Paul...

He finished his harpsichord studies at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Holland) as a student of Jacques Ogg and at the Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña, E.S.M.U.C. as a student of Béatrice Martin, obtaining the highest distinction and congratulations from the jury. He has made recordings for the Dutch Radio, the Slovenian Radio-television, WDR 3, Radio Catalonia, the Polish Radio-television and the labels ARSIS, PASSACAILLE, DYNAMIC, TAÑIDOS and VANITAS.

He is founder and director of the ensemble La Reverencia. His performances as soloist and continuist cover all of Europe. He has performed with several renowned ensembles such as Les Arts Florissants, Tasto Solo or La Fura dels Baus, being directed by musicians such as William Christie, Paul Dombrecht, Paul McCreesh, Roy Goodman, Richard Egarr or Ton Koopman.

In 2013 he recorded together with La Reverencia De Oculta Philosophia, a documentary film around Baroque music that was selected at numerous international festivals. His discography has always received the best criticism from the specialized press.

“Andrés Alberto Gómez has an unusual touch control. Adapt his articulation to phrasing with the mastery of the greatest”.

Philippe Ramin, Diapason (5 diapason)



Claudio Monteverdi

Claudio Monteverdi was an Italian composer and conductor, whose work marked the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque. Moreover, he composed the earliest operas that are still regularly performed today. Monteverdi worked as maestro di capella at the court of the duke of Mantua and at the San Marco in Venice. He was a famous musician during his lifetime, but his compositions also provoked opposition. The conservative theorist Giovanni Maria Artusi criticized the technical flaws in some of Monteverdis madrigals. The composer defended himself by making a distinction between two styles of composition, the prima prattica, in which the harmony is dominant, and the seconda prattica , in which the music is subordinate to the text. Monteverdi championed the seconda prattica, and eventually broke with traditional...
Claudio Monteverdi was an Italian composer and conductor, whose work marked the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque. Moreover, he composed the earliest operas that are still regularly performed today.
Monteverdi worked as maestro di capella at the court of the duke of Mantua and at the San Marco in Venice. He was a famous musician during his lifetime, but his compositions also provoked opposition. The conservative theorist Giovanni Maria Artusi criticized the technical flaws in some of Monteverdis madrigals. The composer defended himself by making a distinction between two styles of composition, the prima prattica, in which the harmony is dominant, and the seconda prattica , in which the music is subordinate to the text. Monteverdi championed the seconda prattica, and eventually broke with traditional Renaissance polyphony and began to employ the basso continuo and recitative to do better justice to the text.
Monteverdi wrote amongst others eight books of madrigals, two collections of liturgical music and various operas. The opera L'incoronazione di Poppea is considered a culminating point of Monteverdi's work. It contains tragic, romantic, and comic scenes and warmer melodies than previously heard.



Play album Play album
De las Luzes que en el Mar
(Juan Hidalgo) Pedro Pérez, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Sara Agueda, Ignacio Portillo
Esperar, Sentir, Morir
Juan Hidalgo, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Sara Agueda, Ignacio Portillo, Pedro Pérez
Già Risi del Mio Mal
Johann Kapsberger, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Sara Agueda, Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo
Cantata ?Non Sia Chi Mi Riprenda?
Giovanni Felice Sances, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Sara Agueda, Ignacio Portillo, Pedro Pérez
Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Sara Agueda, Ignacio Portillo, Pedro Pérez
Time Stands Still
John Dowland, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Sara Agueda, Ignacio Portillo, Pedro Pérez
Can She Excuse My Wrongs
John Dowland, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Sara Agueda, Ignacio Portillo, Pedro Pérez
Sir John Such Galliard
Ignacio Portillo, Pedro Pérez, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, John Dowland
Sì Dolce è'l Tormento
Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Claudio Monteverdi
Ay, Que Sí, Ay, Que No
Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Juan Hidalgo
La Noche Tenebrosa
Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Juan Hidalgo
Ecco di Dolci Raggi il Sol Armato
Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Claudio Monteverdi
Come Again, Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, John Dowland
Dowland's Galliard
Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, John Dowland
Tened, Parad, Suspended
Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Juan Hidalgo
Peynándose Estaba un Olmo
Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Juan Hidalgo
If My Complaints Could Passions Move
Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, John Dowland
Pur ti Miro
Pedro Pérez, Ignacio Portillo, Sara Agueda, Andrés Alberto Gómez, Claudio Monteverdi
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